Best Philosophy Books

We spent several hours researching recommended philosophy books. While we understand this is a huge topic – it’s still interesting to see what philosophy books are recommended the most. We reviewed sources on social media, articles and blogs to find the best philosophy books. In total we reviewed more than 141 books related to philosophy. The result is a list of 10 philosophy books. Prioritized by the most recommended. Here you go: The best books in philosophy

#1 Meditations

recommended by 21%

#2 Nicomachean Ethics

recommended by 18%

#3 Beyond Good and Evil

recommended by 18%

#4 Meditations On First Philosophy

recommended by 14%

#5 The Republic

recommended by 14%

#6 The Problems Of Philosophy

recommended by 14%

#7 Letters From A Stoic

recommended by 11%

#8 The Republic Of Plato

recommended by 11%

#9 Tao Te Ching

recommended by 11%

#10 The Prince

recommended by 11%

#11 Sophie’s World

recommended by 11%

#12 Confessions

recommended by 11%

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