Best Books On Typography

Do you want to know everything there is to know about Typography? From the best books possible? We spent several hours researching books about typography. What books get recommended more than others? And is a few books maybe recommended by all the experts? What we have here is a list of recommended books in a prioritized order.

We reviewed more than 151 books on typography from more than 19 sources.

The result is a list of 10 amazingly beautiful and interesting books about typography. The best book on Typography is “Thinking with Type” – with a 37% recommendation rate – meaning that 37% of the sources we reviewed recommended this book for info about Typography.

#1 Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

recommended by 37%

#2 The Elements Of Typographic Style

recommended by 34%

#3 Just My Type: A Book About Fonts

recommended by 32%

#4 The Anatomy Of Type: A Graphic Guide To 100 Typefaces

recommended by 13%

#5 Designing With Type

recommended by 13%

#6 An Essay On Typography

recommended by 8%

#7 Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works

recommended by 8%

#8 On Web Typography

recommended by 8%

#9 Why Fonts Matter

recommended by 8%

#10 Scripts: Elegant Lettering From Design’s Golden Age

recommended by 8%

#11 The Evolution Of Type: A Graphic Guide To 100 Landmark Typefaces

recommended by 8%

#12 Jan Tschichold And The New Typography: Graphic Design Between The World Wars

recommended by 8%

#13 Typographie: A Manual Of Design

recommended by 8%

#14 The Complete Manual Of Typography: A Guide To Setting Perfect Type

recommended by 8%

Best Books On Garden Photography

Do you take pictures of your Garden, nature or parks? Do you want to know everything there is to know about garden photography? From the best books possible? We spent several hours researching books about photography in gardens and parks. What books get recommended more than others? And is a few books maybe recommended by all the experts? What we have here is a list of recommended books in a prioritized order.

We reviewed more than 31 books on garden photography from multiple sources.

The result is a list of 10 fantastic garden photography books:

#1 Karl Blossfeldt (taschen Icons Series)

recommended by 25%

#2 Gardens In Perspective

recommended by 25%

#3 Garden Photographer Of The Year, Collection 1-3

recommended by 25%

#4 How To Photograph Flowers

recommended by 25%

#5 The City In A Garden

recommended by 25%

#6 Photographing Flowers

recommended by 25%

#7 Fine Art Flower Photography

recommended by 25%

#8 Digital Nature Photography Closeup

recommended by 25%

#9 Close-up And Macro

recommended by 25%

#10 Close-up

recommended by 25%

#11 The Art Of Nature Photography

recommended by 25%

#12 Close-ups In Nature

recommended by 25%

#13 Secret Gardens Of Paris

recommended by 25%

#14 Creative Nature And Outdoor Photography

recommended by 25%

#15 Fine Art Photography

recommended by 25%

#16 Digital Landscape Photography

recommended by 25%

#17 In Close-up Photography In Nature

recommended by 25%

#18 The Garden Photography Workshop

recommended by 25%

#19 Digital Plant Photography

recommended by 25%