We spent several hours researching books on Covid 19 Pandemic. With the mission to find the best and most recommended list of Books on Covid 19 Pandemic on the internet. We researched multiple sources on the topic and reviewed 57 books about Covid 19 Pandemic. We found the ultimate 10 books. All of these books are recommended higher than the rest of the Covid 19 Pandemic books out there. Here you go. The best books on Covid 19 Pandemic.
#1 The Plague Year: America In The Time Of Covid
recommended by 17%
#2 Breathtaking: The UK’s Human Story
recommended by 6%
#3 A State Of Fear
recommended by 6%
#4 Vaxxers: The Inside Story Of The Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine And The Race Against The Virus
recommended by 6%
#5 Epidemics And Society, From The Black Death To The Present
recommended by 6%
#6 Viruses, A Very Short Introduction
recommended by 6%
#7 Spillover, Animal Infections And The Next Human Pandemic
recommended by 6%
#8 The Pandemic Century, One Hundred Years Of Panic, Hysteria, And Hubris
recommended by 6%
#9 The Psychology Of Pandemics, Preparing For The Next Global Outbreak Of Infectious Disease
recommended by 6%
#10 An Inquiry Into The Causes And Effects Of The Variolae Vaccinae
recommended by 6%
#11 Assad Or We Burn The Country: How One Family’s Lust For Power Destroyed Syria
recommended by 11%