We spent several hours researching books on Recruiting. With the mission to find the best and most recommended list of Books on Recruiting on the internet. We researched multiple sources on the topic and reviewed 90 books about Recruiting. We found the ultimate 13 books. All of these books are recommended higher than the rest of the Recruiting books out there. Here you go. The best books on Recruiting.
#1 Social Media Recruitment: How To Successfully Integrate Social Media Into Recruitment Strategy
recommended by 27%

#2 The Robot-Proof Recruiter: A Survival Guide For Recruitment And Sourcing Professionals
recommended by 19%

#3 Who: The A Method For Hiring
recommended by 15%

#4 Hiring For Attitude: A Revolutionary Approach To Recruiting And Selecting People With Both Tremendous Skills And Superb Attitude
recommended by 15%

#5 Full Stack Recruiter: New Secrets Revealed
recommended by 12%

#6 The Savage Truth: Lessons In Leadership, Business And Life From 40 Years In Recruitment
recommended by 12%

#7 Talent Without Borders: Global Talent Acquisition For Competitive Advantage
recommended by 12%
#8 Recruitment And Selection: Strategies For Workforce Planning And Assessment
recommended by 12%

#9 Moneyball: The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game
recommended by 12%

#10 Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-based Hiring To Build Great Teams
recommended by 12%

#11 96 Great Interview Questions To Ask Before You Hire
recommended by 12%

#12 Recruit Rockstars: The 10 Step Playbook To Find The Winners And Ignite Your Business
recommended by 12%

#13 The Talent Fix: A Leader’s Guide To Recruiting Great Talent
recommended by 12%