We spent several hours researching books on Adam Smith. With the mission to find the best and most recommended list of Books on Adam Smith on the internet. We researched multiple sources on the topic and reviewed 34 books about Adam Smith. We found the ultimate 10 books. All of these books are recommended higher than the rest of the Adam Smith books out there. Here you go. The best books on Adam Smith.
#1 The Wealth Of Nations
recommended by 40%
#2 Lectures On Jurisprudence
recommended by 40%

#3 The Theory Of Moral Sentiments
recommended by 30%

#4 An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations, Volume I
recommended by 30%

#5 The Essential Adam Smith
recommended by 30%

#6 An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations
recommended by 30%

#7 An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations, Volume 2
recommended by 20%

#8 Essays On Philosophical Subjects
recommended by 20%

#9 The Money Game
recommended by 20%

#10 Adam Smith In His Time And Ours
recommended by 10%