What books should you read on the broad topic of product innovation? We set out to create the final list. We spent several hours researching the expert’s advice on product innovation books to read.
The result was a list of more than 102 recommended books on product innovation. We have then structured it by the most recommended books first – so what you see – is a prioritized list of the best books on product innovation. A clear winner with a 50% recommendation rate is The Lean Startup. Scroll down to see the other top contenders for your reading list.
recommended by 50%

#2 Innovation And Entrepreneurship
recommended by 40%

#3 The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change The Way You Do Business
recommended by 30%

#4 Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant
recommended by 30%

#5 Seizing The White Space: Business Model Innovation For Growth And Renewal
recommended by 20%

#6 The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms To Fail (Management Of Innovation And Change)
recommended by 20%

#7 Ten Types Of Innovation: The Discipline Of Building Breakthroughs
recommended by 20%

#8 Business Model Generation: A Handbook For Visionaries, Game Changers, And Challengers (the Strategyzer Series)
recommended by 20%

#9 Open Innovation: The New Imperative For Creating And Profiting From Technology
recommended by 20%

#10 Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming The Unseen Forces That Stand In The Way Of True Inspiration
recommended by 20%

#11 Democratizing Innovation (the Mit Press)
recommended by 20%

#12 This Is Service Design Thinking: Basics, Tools, Cases
recommended by 20%