We spent several hours researching books on Customer Service. With the mission to find the best and most recommended list of Books on Customer Service on the internet. We researched multiple sources on the topic and reviewed 61 books about Customer Service. We found the ultimate 20 books. All of these books are recommended higher than the rest of the Customer Service books out there. Here you go. The best books on Customer Service.
#1 Customer Loyalty: How To Earn It, How To Keep It New And Revised Edition
recommended by 50%
#2 Hug Your Haters: How To Embrace Complaints And Keep Your Customers
recommended by 38%
#3 The Best Service Is No Service: How To Liberate Your Customers From Customer Service, Keep Them Happy, And Control Costs
recommended by 38%
#4 The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, And Lasting Value
recommended by 38%
#5 The Thank You Economy
recommended by 38%
#6 Be Our Guest (revised And Updated Edition): Perfecting The Art Of Customer Service (a Disney Institute Book)
recommended by 25%
#7 Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How To Build Your Customer-driven Growth Engine
recommended by 25%
#8 Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Customer Loyalty Is Priceless: How To Make Customers Love You, Keep Them Coming Back And Tell Everyone They Know
recommended by 25%
#9 Delivering Happiness
recommended by 25%
#10 Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets Of Building A Five-star Customer Service Organization
recommended by 25%
#11 How To Win Friends & Influence People
recommended by 25%
#12 Managing The Customer Experience: Turning Customers Into Advocates
recommended by 25%
#13 Strategic Customer Service: Managing The Customer Experience To Increase Positive Word Of Mouth, Build Loyalty, And Maximize Profits
recommended by 25%
#14 The Amazement Revolution: Seven Customer Service Strategies To Create An Amazing Customer (and Employee) Experience
recommended by 25%
#15 The Cult Of The Customer: Create An Amazing Customer Experience That Turns Satisfied Customers Into Customer Evangelists
recommended by 25%
#16 The Effortless Experience: Conquering The New Battleground For Customer Loyalty
recommended by 25%
#17 The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles For Creating A Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy Of The Ritz-carlton Hotel Company
recommended by 25%
#18 The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles For Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary
recommended by 25%
#19 Uncommon Service: How To Win By Putting Customers At The Core Of Your Business
recommended by 25%
#20 What Customers Crave: How To Create Relevant And Memorable Experiences At Every Touchpoint
recommended by 25%