Best Books on Plato

We spent several hours researching the most recommended books on Plato, his life, and his philosophy. A very important philosopher that you could approach in different ways. So what books on Plato should you read? What books from Plato are recommended the most? We reviewed 55 books from 14 articles about Plato and we found the ultimate 10 books. Here you go: The best books on Plato

#1 Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo

recommended by 33%

#2 Republic

recommended by 17%

#3 Statesman

recommended by 17%

#4 Plato: A Very Short Introduction

recommended by 17%

#5 The Cambridge Companion To Plato

recommended by 17%

#6 Symposium

recommended by 17%

#7 The Trial And Death Of Socrates

recommended by 17%

#8 Great Dialogues Of Plato

recommended by 17%

#9 The Last Days Of Socrates

recommended by 17%

#10 The Symposium

recommended by 17%

#11 Plato: Complete Works

recommended by 17%